Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed

Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed

Zenith Zoysia is considered one of the most beautiful lawn grass types available from seed. Zenith Zoysia is a warm season lawn grass grown throughout the central and southern climates around the world.

Zenith Zoysia is in the Japonica family, as is Meyer Zoysia, and is similar in many respects, including blade width and color. It is somewhat less and dense, thus making it easier to mow providing a better opportunity for inter-seeding. Zenith grows well in full sun or under light shade, and is presumed to have good cold tolerance. Planted shallow on a newly prepared seedbed and watered frequently, Zenith germinates readily, producing a stand of seedlings in as little as 10 days. Like all Zoysias, it grows and spreads slowly, and therefore seeding rates of 1 to 3 lbs. per 1,000 square feet are recommended.

Zenith is a new Zoysia which looks much like Meyer (Z-52) Zoysia, a blade-width similar to Centipede, many Bluegrasses, and some Ryegrasses, but not as wide as most Fescues. It is not as fine-bladed as Emerald Zoysia. No Emerald Zoysia seed are available, and seed harvested from Meyer do not reproduce a true Meyer. Our test plots clearly demonstrate that Zenith produces a higher-quality turf than imported Zoysia seed.

It is recommended for golf courses (fairways, tees, & roughs), parks, athletic fields and home lawns.